55 research outputs found

    Ecological planning strategies for a qualitative land take. Suggestions from France to Italian approach

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    This research starts from the awareness that land take is continuously spreading and increasing all over Europe. The topics of land take and its containment have also quickly entered into European policies and many European countries followed this path. Land take is often interpreted as a negative element as it subtracts important soil functions and, sometimes, spoils landscape. Urban and regional planning can play an important and leading role in contrasting land take, as they can address specific orientations for the realization of qualitative urban and landscape projects. One of the aims of this research is then to understand which planning policies are the most suitable in contrasting and containing land take. In order to do this, in a perspective of sustainable development, the chosen approach to planning is the ecological one (Steiner, 2002). Following this approach, the research focuses on the policies of Green Infrastructures (GI), intended as one of the most suitable and effective policies for land take containment. The study, starting from the analysis of 5 different European countries’ planning policies, tools and systems (France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy and the Netherlands), focuses on the countries of France and Italy. The two countries present a varied situation for what concern GI approach and planning policies even if they share some common elements (for example, the high presence of small municipalities and the institutional fragmentation). Since the choice has fallen on GI, the study aims at framing how these two countries are dealing with them by highlighting for each of them the pros and cons. In particular, the research focuses on the policies developed by two Regions: on one side the one of Rhône-Alpes in France (focusing on the two Métropoles of Lyon and Grenoble) and on the other side the one of Piedmont in Italy (in particular, the Metropolitan City of Turin). France represents a fascinating case study in the analysis of environmental and ecological policies; indeed, since the promulgation of Grenelle laws in 2009 and 2010 which stated the creation of Trames Vertes et Bleues (TVB), France has been laying great emphasis on these issues. This policy represents one of the greatest examples for what concerns GI. In fact, they are characterized by some important elements: they have to be included in planning tools of different scales (from the regional to the local one) and they include both green and blue infrastructures. French TVB allow also to develop a project approach of GI, while the Italian case study sets up itself as more methodological. In addition to ecological strategies, France has also always led an important process of inter-municipality, leading thus to a more coherent territorial project. The experiences led by Piedmont Region, principally developed at a local scale, present indeed a less rationalised policy even if the Metropolitan City of Turin has attempted to establish some specific orientations for the creation of a common GI methodology. Each local experimentation shows how these orientations have been interpreted in order to fit different territorial characteristics. The final aim is the individuation of some operational criteria for a qualitative planning. The main elements of discussion are the integration of GI into planning tools and the necessity to overcome administrative borders in order to promote a more coordinated and shared project of development. The research then opens the path to some other issues: the introduction of an adequate fiscal system, a more operative project action, territorial equalization and a performance-based planning instead of traditional zoning

    Ecology-based planning. Italian and French experimentations

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    This paper examines some French and Italian experimentations of green infrastructures’ (GI) construction in relation to their techniques and methodologies. The construction of a multifunctional green infrastructure can lead to the generation of a number of relevant bene fi ts able to face the increasing challenges of climate change and resilience (for example, social, ecological and environmental through the recognition of the concept of ecosystem services) and could ease the achievement of a performance-based approach. This approach, differently from the traditional prescriptive one, helps to attain a better and more fl exible land-use integration. In both countries, GI play an important role in contrasting land take and, for their adaptive and cross-scale nature, they help to generate a res ilient approach to urban plans and projects. Due to their fl exible and site-based nature, GI can be adapted, even if through different methodologies and approaches, both to urban and extra-urban contexts. On one hand, France, through its strong national policy on ecological networks, recognizes them as one of the major planning strategies toward a more sustainable development of territories; on the other hand, Italy has no national policy and Regions still have a hard time integrating them in already existing planning tools. In this perspective, Italian experimentations on GI construction appear to be a simple and sporadic add-on of urban and regional plans

    Etica e pianificazione territoriale. Un rapporto in evoluzione

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    Il contributo recensisce il convegno “Per una Etica nella e della pianificazione del territorio” organizzato dalla sezione Piemonte e Valle d’Aosta dell’Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica (INU) e l’Ufficio Regionale Piemonte e Valle d’Aosta Pastorale sociale e del lavoro, giustizia e pace, custodia del creato (PSL)

    The integration of the ecological and landscape network in spatial planning - Perspective of the strategies of two Alpine regions in France and Italy

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    Ecological connectivity and network concepts have been integrated as key elements in the nature conservation policies of many countries of the Alpine arc. The idea is to understand ecological dynamics over the entire territory and across administrative borders. In this article, the authors put into perspective policies pursued in two European countries (France and Italy), with a focus on two Alpine regions (Auvergne Rhône-Alpes and Piedmont)

    Ecosystem Services and Territorial Resilience: The Role of Green and Blue Infrastructure

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    Responding to the new environmental, ecological, and social emergencies requires a shift in strategies and urban design models. In the contexts of sustainability and resilience, green and blue infrastructure (GBI) is a wide-ranging concept that can help overcome the usual dichotomies of urban growth versus green or the built environment versus nature. This provides different benefits, both environmental and ecological and social and economic. In urban contexts, green spaces play a strategic role due to the number of typologies and functions that vary from neighborhood spaces to green, play, and sports facilities to protected areas of territorial scale. In this way, the planning and design of GBI take on the triple objective of regenerating fragile and degraded ecosystems from an environmental, social, and economic point of view. Focusing on this assumption, we describe how the GBI that develops along the axe of the Stura di Lanzo river in a multiscalar mosaic of soils at both local and territorial levels can determine options for the ecosystem quality of the metropolitan area of northern Turin. We suppose that mapping ecosystem services (based on a correct land use/land cover design) can support designing new urban and regional plans to improve resilience

    L’intégration de la trame écologique et paysagère dans la planification territoriale – Mise en perspective des stratégies de deux régions alpines en France et en Italie

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    Les concepts de connectivité et de réseau écologiques ont été intégrés comme éléments clés dans les politiques de conservation de la nature de nombreux pays de l’arc alpin. L’idée est d’appréhender les dynamiques écologiques sur l’ensemble de l’espace, au-delà des frontières administratives. Dans cet article, les auteurs mettent en perspective des politiques conduites dans deux pays européens (la France et l’Italie), avec un focus sur deux régions alpines (Auvergne Rhône-Alpes et Piémont)

    Rigenerazione urbana e partecipazione. I casi di Casale Monferrato e Moncalieri

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    In una società profondamente cambiata dalla lunga fase emergenziale dovuta al sopraggiungere della pandemia da COVID-19, in cui il vivere quotidiano e il benessere sociale sono stati messi a dura prova, emerge la necessità per le città e i territori di individuare idonei processi di rigenerazione urbana che valorizzino e riqualifichino il tessuto urbano, migliorino la qualità dell’abitare e dell’ambiente, favoriscano lo sviluppo economico e promuovano azioni di prossimità per le comunità. Questi processi di rigenerazione includono azioni quali la riqualificazione del patrimonio edilizio, la ricucitura tra i diversi spazi della città, il recupero e l’efficientamento energetico del patrimonio edilizio, la promozione di processi di partecipazione e inclusione sociale che valorizzino le energie di una crescente “società della cura”. Nell’ambito del bando “Prospettive urbane. Studi di fattibilità per la rigenerazione urbana” promosso da Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo, il gruppo di ricerca ha condotto degli studi urbanistici e territoriali con attenzione alla dimensione economica e sociale per l’attivazione di due progetti di rigenerazione urbana: uno nel comune di Moncalieri (TO) e l’altro nel comune di Casale Monferrato (AL). Entrambi i progetti hanno in comune l’attenzione per gli aspetti ambientali e paesaggistici in relazione al contesto territoriale del Parco del Po piemontese e si strutturano mediante azioni puntuali e diffuse, che sono esito di un processo di partecipazione e di promozione sociale tra i diversi attori presenti sul territorio

    Strategie per il verde e la collina di Torino. Storie e prospettive

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    Il capitolo, a partire dagli studi degli anni '70 di Giampiero Vigliano, analizza i diversi strumenti messi in campo per la salvaguardia, la valorizzazione e la gestione della collina di Torino e dell'asta fluviale del fiume Po. Il capitolo si chiude con alcune riflessioni in merito alle strategie e ai piani sviluppati negli ultimi anni (in particolare, il Ptgm in corso di definizione)